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“It’s so versatile. I use it for so many different things”, said Mrs Lorraine Bell of Dunedin, when she phoned yesterday to tell me how much she loves her Aircycle exerciser. “I put it on any sore spot.”
“I put it at my back in the car so I’m not leaning against the hard seat. I take it to bed and put it under the middle of my back to support it or anywhere which aches while I’m lying in bed.”
“I put it under my buttocks when my sciatic nerve aches and under my knees in the plane when I go to sleep to stop the seat rubbing and cutting off my circulation. I often put it at my back while sitting in a chair – and of course, use it to exercise my feet and legs as per the instructions.”
- Mrs Bell, Dunedin, NZ
Arthritic Fingers
My friend burst in yesterday with “It works! And in such a short time too!” Last week she was in tears with her stiff, painful, arthritic fingers. She could hardly move them.
I bought her an Aircycle and was thrilled to hear her so positive about it this morning after just a couple of days using it. She is getting her movement back and has less pain.
Hip Pain
“By using the Air Cycle I can enjoy life. It helps to relieve the pain from my arthritic hip, some days I now have little pain or problems. Thank you”
- Barbara Borwick, Gisborne, NZ
“This note is to tell you about the success I have had with the Aircycle which I read about in your Grey Power magazine. I bought one from Paula at Age Concern , Kaitaia.
I collected it on Friday and on Monday morning I woke up without lower back pain for the first time in 12 or 15 years. I was amazed and delighted and went straight to Age Concern to tell Paula.
I have had difficulty getting going in the mornings. I have had to creep down the passage to the kitchen and get moving slowly. That day I felt I could run around the house. It was a great relief.
I have always been very flexible and still go to the gym 3 times a week but just getting moving in the morning has been hard for some time.
Recently I did a 13 day bus tour and took my Aircycle with me. It helped to take away the stiffness from sitting so long in the bus. I would like to recommend the Aircycle to anyone who has muscular problems.
- Terry O’Keefe, Kaitaia, NZ
In May I bought an Aircycle for my mother. She has arthritis in both knees and both hips and is waiting surgery for hip replacement. She is therefore limited in her mobility. Mum was very impressed that she could exercise while sitting in her chair watching TV or knitting and actually finds it relaxing and fun.
I borrowed Mum’s Aircycle to take to the rest home where I work and demonstrated it to the residents and several bought them. I was especially impressed that many who wanted to try it are people who do not join exercise classes. They have given me very positive feedback and most of them use the Aircycle regularly.
- Marilyn Liddington, Tauranga, NZ
Stiff, Painful Hands
My age is 80 plus and I have very bad arthritis particularly in my hands due to being employed in the jewellery making industry and other hobbies over the years.
The fingers on my hands were very stiff, mis-shapen and slightly swollen most of the time. Bending them was not comfortable at all.
I purchased an Aircycle some time ago. The swelling has been reduced and the change in the pain levels been amazing. I was previously kept awake a lot of the time most nights in constant pain and aching that now has all gone.
The pain in my shoulders has reduced also. In the beginning I used the Aircycle every night for 5 to 10 minutes but now just use it occasionally. I have yet to find the time to use it for my legs but I will.
I truly bless the day I purchased my Aircycle and have purchased two more as gifts for my children.
- Natalie, Ngatea
“Yeah it’s fantastic. My mum uses it everyday. She is so in love with it. She has recommended to others so hopefully that has spread the word but it’s awesome. Thank you so much!!! Am thinking about buying one for a friend of mine who has arthritis really bad as well. So will look into getting another one off you. Just have to check with Mum if anyone else she knows wants one as well.
Just wanted to say thank you so much for this. Honestly it is amazing and I couldn’t not recommend it it’s absolutely the best thing!!! Thank you for checking in too. That was so nice.”
- Jaimee
“I have arthritis and knee problems and when I have been using the Aircycle I feel as though I have had a good lube. It’s like a full grease and oil change. My joints are more flexible and I can garden more easily.” She was ordering her 3rd Aircycle. She had written “I am delighted with the 2 previous orders for your Aircycle and request another.”
- Mrs J M Speirs, Invercargill, NZ
Hand/ arm movements
“After my breast cancer surgery involving lymph node removal, I was warned of the increased risk of swelling to my right arm, particularly when flying and taking long land journeys. In order to keep my lymphatic system active and flowing adequately, I have used my Aircycle in conjunction with my compression bandage.
It is good to know that I can take ownership for the health of my system, even when in a less than ideal environment such as an aircraft or cramped in a car. Just taking my Aircycle with me on the plane reminds me of the importance to keep my large limbs moving. It is small – so easy to pack and very easy to use.”
- Jennie
“I have found my aircycle very useful as I have cellulitus in one leg. One of the treatments (over the next two months or so,) is to keep my foot up when sitting or move the leg while sitting. So the aircycle is just the answer to use while sitting anywhere. It is difficult to put the leg up ie at the computer, sewing machine, traveling etc. However, I can keep my calf muscles working all the time with the air cushion. I showed the doctor and he approved the use of it while having my leg down. As I type this I am using it. “
- Jan Johnson, Bay of Plenty, NZ
Three months ago my 87 year old wife was recommended by a friend to try your Aircycle as she was sure it would benefit my wife’s leg circulation problems. We had spent many hundreds of dollars on treatments so the $35 cost was unbelievable. We had nothing to lose. What a bargain and what a success! My wife uses it every time she sits down. It is so gentle on her aching feet and legs which have now greatly improved. We cannot speak too highly of the benefit she has received from the AIrcycle which she will continue to use while sitting in the car, having a meal, reading a book etc. It is so easy! With best wishes from a grateful customer. Yours sincerely Joan and Jack Kingston
- Jack Kingston, Auckland, NZ
“Good News from the UK
I spoke today to an Auckland resident who bought an Aircycle a few weeks ago to send to her mother in the UK. Her mother is in her 80’s and like many older people, suffers from poor circulation. She has been finding her Aircycle “really great” especially for her hands and arms.
However, as a bonus, her mother has been delighted to find that a lump she has had for some time on the back of her leg, has completely disappeared. It appears that the improved circulation and increased blood supply has enabled her leg to heal. This lady is so thrilled with her results that she is going to take her Aircycle to show her doctor.”
- News from the UK
Foot Pain
“After many years of foot pain and having to pay specialist a large sum and to be given exercises and many different diagnoses that have caused more pain, I have found just working with the aircycle twice to three times a day, that the large toe on the left foot has now got colour instead of being purple. The pain has got a lot better. Not fully gone but so much better and easier to walk around without the limping and aching.
Wow just such a simple little thing and so cheap. I realise now that my feet problem is mainly circulation ( lack of ) Why the specialist couldn’t come up with this same solution beats me. Thank you for your help.
July 2015 Follow up – Yes I still use the aircycle and am still benefitting from its use. It is great to take on long flights to keep the circulation moving. The older I get the more my feet ache so using the aircycle keeps the muscles in my feet exercised. Thankyou”
- Heather Kinley, Central Otago, NZ
“Phone call from a 77 year old
An Auckland woman, Mrs Storey, called yesterday to tell me how her Aircycle had helped her. I’ve had my Aircycle for a week and had no cramp since! The Aircycle really does work. I don’t get cramp now.”
“I found out the first night I used it. I went to bed and slept all night.”
“I use my Aircycle every day while sitting at the table. It’s like walking under the table. I just sit down, put my legs on it and away I go!”
- Mrs. Storey, Auckland, NZ
“Before receiving my AIRCYCLE I suffered a lot of cramp, especially in bed. I had tried a lot of other things but nothing has worked as well or as easily as my Air Cycle. The first night I used it I was amazed at not having to get out of bed.” The Aircycle is so easy to use and so relaxing.” Her friends now use it for warming their hands before playing golf.
- Myrel Parsons, Oamaru, NZ
Swollen ankles, sore legs
“Just wanted to thank you for the piece on the Aircycle which you ran a few months ago. I’ve had such success with this, in reducing cramps, swollen ankles and sore legs, that I’ve bought two more online as gifts for friends. It really is great for older people or those, like me, who sit too long at a computer. Yet I’d never heard of it till I read about it in your magazine. Thank you.”
- Ross Wilson, Auckland, NZ
“I always got cramp during the night; reasons unknown. It disturbed my sleep! I never took medication although the doctor showed me some exercises which didn’t make much difference.
I purchased an aircycle in May 2012; I use it for 20-30 min. every night before I go to bed and cramps disappeared for about 99.9% I do some exercises as well. I take the aircycle with me on holiday or when I travel. When sitting in a bus or plane for periods of time I exercise my legs, feet and ankles. Greetings, Helen”
- Helen
Leg Ulcer
“9/6/15 I love the Aircycle as it is so easy to store and easy to use. I have no excuse not to exercise. The other one I ordered I sent to my brother in the States – he had an ulcer on his leg and it was not healing. I was talking to him at the weekend and he said his ulcer was improving after using the Aircycle. Thank you.
Update 15/8/15 I use my air cycle as I find it difficult going out for a walk after work in the winter time.
So this is the best exercise and so easy to store. Yes, I love it. I am sure my brother still uses his, he works very long hours and getting exercise at home is what he likes.”
- Suzanne
Foot Problems
“Thank you for a superb product , I have had it for two weeks now and it is working wonders already. I am in my mid sixties and have been a type 2 diabetic for eight years now , and had been suffering poor circulation in both legs which caused an ingrown toenail to go septic and cause a diabetic ulcer , but since using the aircycle the results are amazing. The swelling in my legs and feet have decreased dramatically , my ulcerated toe has started to heal and all the pain from my toe has gone. The toes on my other foot have stopped tingling and getting sore on the tips and they are back to a healthy pink colour. I am now able to walk much further without pain.”
- Richard Leighton, Tamworth, UK
“I am finding the aircycle great for my diabetes legs & feet. I feel much better, I can now walk much longer distances than before. Regards Neville Forrest”
- Neville
I had an excited call from a Lower Hutt woman one evening to tell me how, because her toes had gone dark blue, her doctor thought she would lose them. You can imagine her delight when she found, after some days of using the AIRCYCLE, that her toes had returned to their normal colour!
Varicose Veins
“My daughter works in a diabetes clinic and she recommends the Air Cycle to prevent or alleviate varicose veins in the leg”
-Harry, Auckland
- Harry Hepple, Auckland, NZ
“I am 92 yrs old. I’m a diabetic and had an ulcer that didn’t heal in 6 months. I am not able to walk far and spend a lot of time sitting in my chair. Within 2 weeks of using the Aircycle my ulcer was starting to heal and in 6 weeks it was completely healed. My physio said it was because I was exercising more. It’s good to be able to do something whilst sitting, especially when it’s so easy yet effective.”
- Jane, Toowoomba, AU
“I spend a considerable amount of time at my computer station at work and after having had two DVT’s in my leg I know the importance of having good circulation and the air cycle has certainly enabled me to do this. It is so handy that I keep it with me all the time.”
- Sue Gould, Manawatu, NZ
Leg pain & swelling
“I travel home to South Africa every year to see family and friends and have always suffered with DVT for a period of time after arriving which made the first week home a rest week due to swelling and the uncomfortable pain in my legs. The same would happen when I returned home here to New Zealand.
I purchased an Aircycle after seeing Toni demonstrate it and now I use it on the plane during my flight and what a difference it makes at the other end. No swelling or pain in my legs at all.
I would recommend it to anyone. As a matter of fact a few of my friends have purchased them as well”
- Rita, Hamilton, NZ
Leg Strengthening
“After walking 10 kms in the Wellington Round the Bays Event, and having done very little training, I expected aching leg muscles the next day. However, even though I am 73, that was not to be. I put the reason mostly down to the Little Blue Wonder under my desk. While working on the computer I often use the Aircycle to exercise my feet and legs. It is great because it is quiet while in use and simple to deflate and pack away to take traveling. I would never be without it on a long flight as it can be used in so many different ways. As well as exercising my legs and feet, arms and hands, I sometimes put the Aircycle behind my lower back, under my knees or behind my neck. Arriving at the destination feeling great is such a bonus!”
- Pam Davis, Lower Hutt, NZ
“Hi there,
My Aircycle arrived this morning and I tried it straight away. I can’t believe something so simple could be so good. I saw it advertised in an older Readers Digest and then googled it to find it. Thank you so much”
Regards Hazel
- Hazel Kennedy, Bay of Plenty, NZ
“I have a curved spine and my legs feel very heavy. I couldn’t walk at all – even around the house. But now I can get out of my chair and turn the TV on. I am now walking around the house more and more. My balance is improving too! Before long I hope I’ll be able to go outside.
Bob Stanton – Nelson Will keep me informed over the next weeks.”
- Bob Stanton, Nelson, NZ
“I have had my Aircycle just 2 weeks and it has changed my life. I am 69 and had a struggle to walk any distance. I’ve had massage, acupuncture, physio – everything you can think of and the doctor was recommending surgery as the only answer. I thought I’d be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.
After 2 weeks using the Aircycle, last week I walked 10 blocks. The inflammation in the top of my foot has gone and the swelling almost gone. After the first 24 hours I felt the difference. Instead of being cold and sore my foot was warm and tingling. I am delighted and my friends are amazed at the difference.”
- Mrs Bell, Dunedin, NZ
“Last winter, I could not walk the length of the esplanade without stopping to rest three times along the way. Now I can walk all the way without stopping. I even walked down the stairs at the Embassy Theatre without holding the handrail!
My thigh muscles are so much stronger and my balance has improved. I can get up from my chair and climb stairs more easily. Although I garden every day and have attended Tai Chi which was beneficial, it did not produce the results I have had from the Aircycle. The circulation in my hands and feet has also improved. 92 year old.”
- Mrs Souter, Timaru, NZ
“After all I do think you have an amazing product. I bought the aircycle for my Dad when he began having problems walking. It kept his muscles in shape and the flexibility in his hands as well. His daily carer was impressed.
It went with him to the hospital wing of a Retirement Village and the nurses there continued to encourage him to use it. Sadly we lost my Dad earlier this year but I still use the Aircycle and talk about it whenever the exercise conversation arises with family and friends.”
- Margaret Sands, Invercargill, NZ
I’m so pleased with my Aircycle. I can feel my muscles working. I use it several times a day and my legs are so much better. They are stronger and feel ever so much better. I can walk much better around the house and don’t need my walker. I can feel my muscles working. I keep the Aircycle under my table. Joan Cutting (92 years old)
- Joan Cutting, Wellington, NZ
“The Aircycle is even better than the information says.”
“My knees have gone and I’ve been using a walker but now I don’t need it around the house. I can move more freely and have much less pain in both my hands and feet. “My feet are warmer too and now I don’t need bedsocks which I’ve worn for years.”
Aug 2015: A few months later: “I went to the mall without my stick last week. I’ve not done that for over a year.”
G. Rumbles
- Gay Rumbles, Rotorua, NZ
Leg Strengthening
“26th Feb – Anne Hill from the Whangaparoa rang to say how her Aircycle worked to strengthen her leg muscles after her hip replacement. Thighs and buttocks much strengthened. She stands on it , supporting herself in the doorway . Started with a few steps and can now do 1,000 at a stretch. Surgeon liked it. Brilliant product!”
- Anne Hill, Auckland, NZ
Muscle Strength
“The Air Cycle has helped greatly in strengthening the thigh muscles and improving balance, whilst the hand exercises are ideal for fingers and wrists”
-George, Nelson
- George, Nelson, NZ
“After reading in the Grey Power paper about the benefits of that reasonably priced invention, the Aircycle, I purchased one and would like to praise it’s benefits. In my eighties I found walking any distance a pain – literally, in hips and thighs and figuratively. After using this simple device for only 3 days my walking capabilities improved remarkably. It can make a huge difference to mobility – especially for sedentary folk. Using the gentle foot pumping and treadle motion whilst sitting down needs minimal effort. A little and often is recommended.
Because the exercise increases circulation this small light – weight product could make a huge difference to mobility, especially for sedentary folk.
16-08-11 Showed it to her osteopath, Richard Moon, who recommended it to several of his patients. One had great success healing an ulcer.”
- Lorna W Barclay, Auckland, NZ
“My mother had been unsteady on her legs when getting up from her chair. Once she started using the Air Cycle she found that she didn’t ‘wobble’ anymore and she can now walk further without any trouble. Isn’t that great?!”
- Anne
Stability, Warming Legs
The Aircycle is very helpful in warming up my legs. Ian is finding he is more stable on his nerve damaged leg so we are both very grateful to you . Thank you for the Aircycle.
- Trudie Giblin, Auckland, NZ
Swollen Ankles
“Since using the Air Cycle I can now walk a little further without becoming ‘puffed out’. The swelling in my ankles has decreased and I can move about more freely.
I keep the Air Cycle by my chair and use it 4-5 times a day, the easiest exercise I know of!”
- Alma, Taumarunui, NZ
Swollen Ankles, Car travel
I have been using he Aircycle for several weeks now and have found it excellent. It has freed up my ankles and improved my walking. I used it in the car on a five day visit down south and arrived home without swollen feet. That was a real bonus! I keep the Aircycle next to my chair and use it while reading or knitting. Being so gentle on the feet, it is a real pleasure to use. Kindest regards, Kathleen Teece May, 2007
- Kathleen Teece, Nelson, NZ
Swollen Ankles
“I don’t get about much due to my weight and I sit a lot. Being a big lady I suffer with swelling in my feet because I can’t exercise.
My sister picked me up and took me to a presentation at the Lyceum club where I saw Toni demonstrating the Aircycle and talking about the benefits of reducing swelling, increasing circulation and improving muscle strength. I didn’t buy one straight away but the thought was still in my head a while. I took a few weeks to decide and once I did I haven’t looked back. My feet and legs are less swollen than they have been and I can walk slowly with my walker to the kitchen and my bedroom. That was almost a year ago. I recommend the Aircycle as a great way to get small amounts of exercise into your day”
- Sally, Hamilton, NZ
“I put off buying an air cycle because I thought it probably wouldn’t work. I was wrong.
After chemo I have neuropathy in my toes, numbness, cramps and really sensitive toenails. I suffered broken sleep every night because of the above and my balance was at risk. Manual massage had little effect as did warm soaks.
Finally I tried the air cycle and I have been amazed with the difference. My toes no longer cramp and my toenails are not sensitive. My toes are still a bit numb but they feel much better and warmer. I suspect if I use the air cycle a bit more I may get my toes completely better.
Gratefully, Deirdre.
Aug, 2015 Update : I do still use the Air Cycle in combination with my exercycle to help with muscle wasting in my legs. The more movements I can make the better to strengthen my legs. It hasn’t fixed the Neuropathy (from chemo) but it helps with circulation.”
- Dierdre
I am in my 75th year and have suffered for 6 years with Polymyalgia and in spite of medication I am never really free of some level of pain. Today I was in great pain – getting dressed, trying to reach up for items in a cupboard, trying to do my hair. Whilst having coffee with my sister -in-law I decided to try the Aircycle. To be honest I was skeptical. It just seemed too easy – but to my delight I was able to walk to the door to farewell my sister-in-law like a “normal” human being!! I have kept using it – both the foot and hand exercises and I just can’t believe the difference! Thank you so much for this wonderful product.
- Jan Ashley
“An Age Concern field worker from Taupo reported how a lady had always watched TV with her feet up on the table in front of her. For a long time after her stroke she could not put her bad foot up there. Now, at last, she can sit with both feet up again.”
- Taupo Age Concern
Post knee surgery
Bruce Thomson, Movement therapist, reported after several years of trying massage, exercises, etc to treat his aunt’s knee which was painful after surgery, finally had a call from her to say her knee was fixed! She’d been using an Aircycle and Bruce came to me to see what it was and how it had helped. He guessed the natural, gentle movement with joints in alignment had worked the miracle. More could be said about this by listening to the CTV Video where Bruce speaks.
- Mrs A R Clarke, Invercargill, NZ
“Everyone is telling me how much better I’m walking now – even my taxi driver noticed last week.”
“I lie on the bed and try to work my dead arm. I try with the Aircycle in different places.”
- Noeline Burton, Auckland, NZ
I am so pleased with my Aircycle and am certain it is making movement in my feet and legs a great deal easier. It seems a great idea to use when on long flights and I will certainly take it with me. Please send one to my friend —- Many thanks, Meg Malkin Feb 2012
- Meg Malkin, Wellington, NZ
Post surgery – broken leg
I broke my leg just under the knee 12 years ago. I had 2 operations and several months on crutches and could not put any weight on it at all. During this time my leg muscles became very stiff and painful. I had this trouble for a number of years. When I read about the Aircycle I thought I would give it a try as nothing else had helped. After using it for a couple of weeks I noticed I had much more movement in my knee and the stiffness started to improve. So now I keep it with me and use it often. Before driving a long distance in the car I give myself a good workout on the Aircycle and use it again when I arrive. It really helps my leg from becoming stiff again. My daughter also had a knee injury several years ago which is causing her more pain as she gets older. I loaned her my Aircycle and after 2 weeks her knee is feeling stronger and is less painful.
- Mrs A R Clarke, Invercargill, NZ
I am 84 years old and have used an air cycle for many years now and it gives me great relief from restless feet and legs. I use it in the evenings when watching TV and also through the night when I wake and cannot resettle as my feet and legs are so restless. After using the air cycle I settle almost immediately and get a good nights sleep. I always take it on holiday with me and use it in the evenings. I had not thought of using it with my hands but will certainly try it. I think the information sheets are very good and I look forward to using my air cycle for many years to come.
Yours sincerely, Beryl
- Beryl Otaki, NZ
I have to say the AirCycle has been a boon. I use it a lot when I’m on the computer and it totally saves my back seizing up when I stand.
I took it with me to Europe this year and used it consistently on the plane – excellent as my ankles didn’t swell nearly as much as in the past. I used it also while over there.
Isn’t it marvellous, with all the technology these days, that something so simple can be so effective!
- J Gilchrist, Auckland
At the desk
“I’m just trying my one out now as I type this email. I have to say that Exercise 2 – the front to back rocking motion is simply awesome. It is so gentle, smooth and I can do spreadsheets, emails etc with doing this exercise in the back ground so to speak, whereas typically, my feet would either be stretched out before me or scrunched up underneath my chair in a fixed position sometimes for 15 minutes or so with no movement.
The tactile feel on bareskin around the toes (which I can now also exercise independently at the same time) is brilliant. Gosh, I’m sold and have already emailed a colleague whose ageing Mum could use this. In a word….Brilliant”
- Roger Bongard
Back Problems
“I like your product, it was good to use at my desk and think helped by terrible back.”
- Michelle Nicholls, Christchurch, NZ
“The Aircycle is in front of my lounge chair and an established part of my life. I do feel it is beneficial to keep up that movement especially when sitting for long periods reading or TV watching”
- Wilma
“Has reduced the swelling in his left ankle (result of war injury) and he can now sleep without pain at night.
Used to have to buy 2 pairs of shoes, one size bigger than the other, to fit both feet. Now one size fits both feet.
Has delivered hundreds of leaflets for me on his mobility scooter. He’s so completely “”Sold”” on his Aircycle he wants others to know about it. Continually asks for more leaflets to deliver.”
- Alec Simmonds
“Thank you – after only a couple of days use, my aunt’s swollen ankles disappeared before her eyes – she says it’s a miracle. Expect more orders from our friends”
- Rahua
“My feet were so swollen it hurt putting my shoes on in the mornings. I’m on Warfarin and sometimes I tear my skin when I push my feet into my shoes.
Having used the Aircycle I can now get my shoes on each day with no trouble at all. The swelling has reduced and it’s great to be able to help myself without more drugs.”
- Helen Ford, Brisbane, AU
Bus Trip
Recently I did a 13 day bus tour and took my Aircycle with me. It helped to take away the stiffness from sitting so long in the bus. I would like to recommend the Aircycle to anyone who has muscular problems.
- Terry O’Keefe, Kaitaia, NZ
Just wanted to give you some feedback on your product, it is great. I used it on long haul flights and so did my Mum and it helped both of us immensely.
- Susan
“I have a disability and travel a lot in my business, I use the Air Cycle when sitting in the car for long periods and in the evening after a hard day’s work. It fits easily in my handbag.”
- Genevieve McLaughlin, Upper Hutt, NZ
“Travelling from Australia to see my family in Yorkshire, England, is a long way. The excitement of seeing them all again is clouded by what state my feet and legs will be in after 26 hours flying. My past track record has been painful swelling, making it hard to get my shoes on, and a history of deep vein thrombosis.
So imagine my delight when, this year, I skipped off the plane and out of the airport with the bounce of a teenager.
I’m in my late 60’s so maybe I’m exaggerating the teenage bit, but hey – I felt good and my feet and legs matched the feeling.
What made the difference? A little gadget that I purchased for $35.00 called an Aircycle. It fits easily into a pocket or handbag and, when inflated, sits on the floor beneath your stockinged feet. In the past I have kept my shoes on, which can make you feel uncomfortable and sweaty over a long period of time. With this gadget, I took my shoes off during the flying time and placed my stockinged feet on the Aircycle. It has a nice feeling of cosy comfort, in fact my feet felt quite spoilt.
I did the exercises gently from time to time throughout the flight whilst seated – the Aircycle acts as a reminder to do them, only adding a few toe wiggles when I got up and walked to the toilet.
I’m so thrilled with the result I want to tell every long distance traveller about the Aircycle. It really worked for me and if you have had a past experience of swollen feet or legs, I’m sure it will be helpful for you too.
- Thelma Rowley, Brisbane, NZ
I use my Aircycle at home but I’ve also found it useful in the car.
My grandchildren live 5 1/2 hours’ drive away, so my husband and I share/drive. I use my Aircycle in the car when it’s my turn to be the passenger. Not only do I enjoy having my feet on the Aircycle and exercising, I find I have more energy when I arrive to enjoy my grandchildren.
- Margaret Bright, VIC, AU
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